We provide practical, evidence-based nutrition advice to achieve your personal and health goals. We understand that everyone’s lifestyle and nutrition needs are different so we will provide you with personalised practical advice, professional support and teach the accountability you need to achieve your goals.
How can we help you?

Weight Loss
Weight loss is a challenging journey, and to achieve successful results in the long term a practical ‘real food’ approach is required. A tailored plan designed by an Accredited Practicing Dietitian can get your started or refocused. Along with the plan we provide education, support and teach the accountability to ensure successful outcomes are achieved. History tells us that the best results are achieved with accountability, support and regular review. At Your Path to Health we provide you with more than just a diet plan, learn how to:
- Read and interpret food labels
- Modify recipes to suit you and your families nutritional requirements
- Ensure you meet your nutrient requirements
- Make smarter choices both at home and out and about
- Choose the right dietary approach for your needs and lifestyle
Clinical Nutrition
Being registered with the Dietitians Associations of Australia, Medicare, DVA and all Private Health funds we undertake continuous professional development and abide by the DAA Code of Ethics. Accredited practicing dietitian are the only nutrition professionals recognised by Medicare and the Department of Veteran Affairs to provide accurate nutrition advice as part of a collaborative Team Care Arrangement with your general practitioner.
Therefore you can be confident that our dietitian will provide you with accurate advice for numerous health conditions such as:
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease
- Coeliac disease
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- GORD (reflux)
- Arthritis
- Gestational diabetes
- Allergies and intolerances
- Cancer
- Eating disorders
Sports Nutrition
Sports nutrition is complex and has undergone considerable change over recent years. Inaccurate advice, and unnecessary practices can be not just detrimental to performance but harmful for your health. Eating a combination of the right foods and having optimal nutrition can allow you to train more efficiently, improve performance and recover quicker.
We focus on what you do day to day to ensure you achieve your performance goals. Whether you are a social sports participant training for your next football season or fun run, a state athlete or even an elite sports person our trained dietician will help you reach your full potential.
Aged Care/Disability/Accommodation Services
At Your Path to Health we can provide dietetics service for Nursing Home, disability and accommodation services (boarding). We can assist your organisation to review, menu design and examine your foodservice system.
Contact us and we can assess and provide dietetics assistance for your organisation requirements including industry bench marking accreditation.
Healthy Eating
Many of today’s common health problems in Australia are related to poor diet and/or inadequate intake of nutrient-dense foods. There are evidenced-based dietary targets for a variety of nutrients which consumed in the right quantities promote health and wellbeing to help protect from and manage chronic disease.
Understanding how to get the right amount of nutrients your body needs can be extremely complex. Consideration needs to be given to a number of personal and lifestyle factors such as age, gender, culture food preferences, life stage, physical activity, current weight, health status, and family structure.
We Can Help You
An accredited practicing dietitian can provide individual nutrition advice and education based on the latest scientific evidence to improve your health and wellbeing. After assessing your individual circumstances to develop recommendations, dietary guidelines and provide you with a nutrition plan and dietary approach tailored to your specific needs.
Nutrition support, education and review isn’t just for celebrities and athletes, its important for everybody. Actually, we can’t think of anything more important.
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders, disordered eating and challenges with body image are significant barriers to quality of life. A credentialed eating disorder dietitian can support your nutritional recovery and help you reconnect with you natural eating. Understanding the framework that supports effective and functional eating, and having support to navigate your personal challenges is essential to you reaching your recovery goals.
Our ANZAED credentialed dietitian is here to ensure you have the best possible nutrition care whilst you go through the steps of rebuilding your relationship with food. We are focused on client centred care to guide our services to cater for your needs. Our dietitian is trained in trauma based counselling to ensure our practice can be a safe space for your recovery. We are experienced at working with other health care providers, and we will work with your health care team and /or help you establish the network you require to support your recovery.
We understand that eating disorders, disordered eating, and challenges with body image can occur for anyone, and at any age. Our credentialed eating disorder dietitian has extensive experience working with all genders, children, adolescents, families, carers and support people, through a recovery journey.
Intervention is the key to recovery from eating disorders, disordered eating, and challenges with body image. Contact and let us support you on your journey to improving your connection with food and your body.
Australian New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders:
Dietetics at Your Path to Health overview
- Our accredited practicing dietitian can provide personalised nutrition advice and education based on scientific evidence to improve health and wellbeing.
- They assess individual circumstances to develop dietary guidelines, recommendations, and a nutrition plan tailored to specific needs.
- Nutrition support, education, and review are essential for everyone, not just celebrities and athletes.
- Our accredited practicing dietitian emphasise the importance of nutrition for overall health and wellbeing.
- A nutrition plan tailored to an individual’s specific needs can be highly beneficial in achieving optimal health
- At Your Path to Health, dietetics services are available for nursing homes, disability services, and accommodation services, including menu design and foodservice system review.
- The complex field of sports nutrition requires accurate advice and optimal nutrition for efficient training, improved performance, and quicker recovery.
- Our accredited practicing dietitian focus on accountability, support, and regular review for long-term successful weight loss outcomes, and are recognised by Medicare and the Department of Veteran Affairs to provide accurate nutrition advice as part of a collaborative Team Care Arrangement with general practitioners.